What Is Parallel Parenting?

Patricia TichenorLegal

child holding hands with divorced parents

Parents who are separated must decide how they want to raise their child. For parents who are not on amicable terms, parallel parenting may be the best option.

Third-Party Custody vs. Guardianship for a Minor Child

Patricia TichenorLegal

child and guardian holding hands

While courts generally prefer that minor children remain in the care of a natural or birth parent, there may be circumstances in which it may become necessary to grant custody or guardianship to a non-parent, third-party.

How and Why Should I Draft a Prenuptial/Premarital Agreement?

Patricia TichenorLegal

couple signing a premarital agreement

Many engaged couples who had planned a 2020 wedding have been forced to postpone their celebration in light of COVID-19. Now, these couples have a lot more time to ponder the legal aspects of marriage rather than just focusing on the big day. While you and your fiancé are quarantined, take some time to consider creating a prenuptial or premarital agreement to protect the assets you’re each bringing to the marriage. While talking about a … Read More

What Is Conservatorship and How Does It Work?

Patricia TichenorLegal

woman completing guardianship-conservatorship petition

Conservatorship often goes hand-in-hand with legal guardianship for an adult with disabilities or special needs. Here’s a basic overview of a conservatorship arrangement.